Withdrawing the opportunity to restore installment plans cancelled in 2019

Withdrawing the opportunity to restore installment plans cancelled in 2019

You have a few days left to take advantage of the opportunity — up to June 30 inclusive, until 23:59 Moscow time. After that, your cancelled installment plan will expire.

Why should I restore my installment plan?

This is a unique chance to buy shares in the engineering business at a much lower price than the one currently applicable in the project. At the same time, the investment risks are much lower — "Sovelmash" expects to obtain the certificate of construction completion for the D&E and put the enterprise into operation by the end of the year, and the process of getting the company's shares has already started.

How do I restore my installment plan?

• Select a cancelled installment plan in the back office.
• Make just one monthly payment on it.
• Done! Your installment plan is restored and all the bonuses are recovered along with it.

Get back into the project on the most beneficial conditions!