The first SOLARGROUP office opens in Côte d'Ivoire

The first SOLARGROUP office opens in Côte d'Ivoire

On March 2, the SOLARGROUP office in Côte d'Ivoire was officially opened. 

The ceremony was held in Abidjan with the personal participation of SOLARGROUP's top managers: Commercial Director Pavel Shadskiy and Head of Advertising and Public Relations Pavel Filippov. Both had come to Côte d'Ivoire to participate in the conference on March 4. Andrey Lobov, head of the "Resurs" production cooperative, also came from Russia and demonstrated "Slavyanka" based electric motors.

The opening of the office was attended by Gilles Weber, national representative of SOLARGROUP in Côte d'Ivoire and several other countries, his assistant Barbara Sacca-Kina, vice national partner Pacôme Mea and other leading partners of the company in Côte d'Ivoire. 

The event was attended by about 40 guests and a film crew from the Business 24 TV channel.

According to Gilles Weber, "the residents of Côte d'Ivoire consider themselves pioneers of our project and crowdinvesting in Africa and are therefore proud to open an official office in their country". 

This is SOLARGROUP's third office in Africa, with previous openings in Benin and Nigeria. 

The new office is located at Abidjan - Cocody Angré - Bureau SOLARGROUP - Cité SIR - Nouveau château d'eau. The project presentation meetings have already started there. Everyone who wants to get a closer look at the technology can come here and get advice and answers to their questions from the company's representatives. 

We recently reported a story about television in Côte d'Ivoire taking notice of our project.