Your certificate is ready in the back office!

Your certificate is ready in the back office!

Are you doing partner business with SOLARGROUP? Congratulations! That means you already have or very soon will have substantial achievements and important steps.

Let's celebrate that! All the partners can find their rewards and incentives - certificates for each successful step - in the back office.

The certificates you can get now:

• New Status Certificate. Awarded to a partner who reaches the next level of the marketing plan. Let us remind you that there are 6 levels: Partner, Specialist, Master, Expert, Professional, President. Every new status means an increase in your income and more opportunities!
• Certificate of Achievement. Awarded to a partner with special merits in the partner business. For example, winning an Oscar award from SOLARGROUP in one of these categories for partners.
• Training Certificate. Awarded to a partner who completes qualification or offline training by SOLARGROUP. If this training has not yet taken place in your locality, stay tuned! And be sure to participate to achieve partner business success as quickly as possible.
• National Partner Certificate. If you have not yet become a national representative of the company in your country, then it's still ahead of you. The documented proof of this status will be available in the back office, too.
• The certificates are available to you in the "Documents" section - click on your profile in the back office and enjoy your accomplishments.

And if there's nothing there yet, let's change that! Get active in your partner activities, because we would really like to encourage you. Because every successful partner is yet another step towards implementing the project and a valuable social asset.