TOP 5 of the main partner mistakes

TOP 5 of the main partner mistakes

Russia is a country with challenging conditions for conducting partner activity. There are a lot of haters in social media, suspicious attitude of the population to such a line of business as investments. But even in this not most favorable environment, there is a considerable number of successful examples of big earnings in partnership activity. To be more precise: it's from 2000 to 5000 dollars per month. Not bad for Russia, right?

You might ask: "What am I doing wrong? I have a desire, I work hard, but I do not get 2000 dollars a month!"

To answer this question, we have prepared the "TOP 5" mistakes of SOLARGROUP partners after having analyzed their activity.

Place 5. Unsuitable photo content in social media.

Perhaps you put an avatar on your profile thinking: "It's okay for now, I'll change it some day later!". You don't even know that seeing a bad image makes potential investors escape your page.

Your social media are the face of your partner business. All photos placed in them must be presentable and picture you as a credible entrepreneur and expert.

One photo from the "Me and the tree" series, or even worse: "Me and the closet" - can disrupt all of your efforts to promote the business!

Use only your own high-quality photos. Unless you're a secret service employee.

Place 4 - Lame texts.
Think about why people will read your posts?
They either benefit people. Or entertain. If such texts are published on your page regularly, it attracts new subscribers and boosts their confidence in you.
It is important that the texts are authored by you and not reposts from other resources or, what is even worse, not funny pictures with silly statements.
Set a goal to become a network business leader! Study this niche, write about what you have learned, tell about your achivements and failures - about everything that is primarily important to the reader. The result will not keep you waiting!

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Next Thursday we will continue our Top 5 partner mistakes.

Develop and move towards success together with the company SOLARGROUP!