"Technopolis "Moscow" is among the leaders of technology parks ranking in Russia

"Technopolis "Moscow" is among the leaders of technology parks ranking in Russia

The SEZ "Technopolis "Moscow" has been recognized as one of the best special economic zones of technology and innovation type in Russia in 2020. Information about it is available on the official website of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation here https://economy.gov.ru/material/news/eksperty_ocenili_samye_effektivnye_osobye_ekonomicheskie_zony_rossii.html On the same page there is a link to "Business navigator for special economic zones of Russia 2020" where you can view the ranking in detail.

The Association of Clusters and Technology Parks (AKIT) together with the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia summed up the results of the National Ranking of Special Economic Zones. The experts assessed the investment attractiveness of SEZs in two categories: technology and innovation, as well as industrial and port-based. The ranking includes 16 technology parks from 13 regions of the country; according to the Ministry, there are 33 SEZs operating in Russia in total. "Technopolis "Moscow" ranked second among the technology and innovation zones.

When compiling the ranking, 30 indicators combined in 6 groups were taken into account. Among the other things, the experts assessed:

- the number of SEZ residents,
- volume of investments made,
- availability of benefits and preferences for investors,
- infrastructure,
- transparency of information about SEZ
and other parameters.

"Technopolis "Moscow" has been a top performer among the technology parks in Russia for several years in a row, along with the SEZ "Dubna" and "Saint Petersburg". Deputy Minister of Economic Development of Russia Sergey Galkin noted that "the national ranking of SEZ investment attractiveness is an independent assessment in which the business itself and the experts evaluate the attractiveness of sites in terms of business convenience."

To recap, the special economic zone "Technopolis "Moscow" is a territory with a special business activity mode, which provides a number of significant preferences to its residents:

- tax benefits,
- exemption from payment of customs duties,
- lease and purchase of land on preferential terms,
- developed infrastructure,
- located close to major arterial roads in Moscow,
- simplified procedure of interaction with the state authorities.

In the early autumn, the SEZ "Technopolis "Moscow" won awards in six special categories in the reputable world ranking of special economic zones, thereby confirming that it is one of the best platforms in the world for doing innovative business.

Technopolis consists of five sites, including the largest and most developed one — "Alabushevo", located in Zelenograd on the territory of Moscow. The land lot of OOO "SovElMash" where the construction of the design and engineering technology department has started is located there. According to the preliminary schedule, the construction will be completed in the spring of 2022. When the company starts full-fledged motor development activity using the unique "Slavyanka" technology, the project investors will be able to get dividends from the company's profit.

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