"Technopolis "Moscow: the first place in the Russian SEZ rating again!

"Technopolis "Moscow: the first place in the Russian SEZ rating again!

The special economic zone "Technopolis "Moscow" was ranked first in the VII National Investment Attractiveness Ranking of Russia's special economic zones. The "Sovelmash" engineering centre is being built on the territory of "Technopolis "Moscow"!

The national ranking was prepared by the Association of Clusters, Technoparks and SEZs of Russia with the support of the Russian Ministry of Economic Development. The ranking was compiled based on the performance of 32 special economic zones from 26 regions of the country in 2022.

SEZ "Technopolis "Moscow" topped the ranking thanks to:

• effective operation of 93 resident companies,
• availability of spare land resources,
• investment activity of residents, which in 2022 invested almost 32 billion roubles in their development, which is 3.5 billion roubles more than in 2021.

The Moscow technopark has topped the national ranking for three years in a row. This means that "Technopolis "Moscow" is a leader in the field of high-tech projects in Russia.

The "Sovelmash" design and engineering technology department, which is being built on the territory of "Technopolis "Moscow", will enjoy land and tax benefits, established infrastructure and other privileges of the SEZ resident.