Country in the project "Duyunov's motors": North Macedonia

Country in the project "Duyunov's motors": North Macedonia

North Macedonia has taken an active interest in the environmental value of the "Slavyanka" technology thanks to the active work of our Macedonian partners.

SOLARGROUP's national representative office in North Macedonia opened in November 2022. Vasko Popovski became the representative of the project.

Macedonian partners introduced the "Slavyanka" technology to entrepreneurs, environmentalists and representatives of state institutions. In 2023, Andrey Lobov demonstrated to them the potential of electric-drive boats for preserving the ecology of Lake Ohrid and held several presentation meetings in different cities in North Macedonia.

The collaboration carries on. Now the partners with the assistance of the "Resurs" production cooperative are preparing a "Slavyanka" based boat for permanent use on the lake.

Such activity attracts new investors to the project. Since the opening of the representative office, the number of investors in North Macedonia has almost quadrupled, totaling about 479 now.

There are 159 active partners.
The investment amount is more than $ 415,000.

SOLARGROUP has its office in North Macedonia and monthly live presentation meetings about the project and webinars in Macedonian are held there.