SOLARGROUP in China | Day 2 | At the BAW car factory

SOLARGROUP in China | Day 2 | At the BAW car factory

The first post about the business trip of SOLARGROUP sparked a lot of interest from you. And the question of how this trip benefits the project and its investors caused debates in the comments.

We would like to respond with the words of Victor Arestov who has said multiple times that the main purpose of his work in China is promoting the developments and services offered by "Sovelmash". That will make it possible for the company to enter the global market and start earning profits from its activities after the D&E is launched.

Most investors in the project are interested in the market and the prospects for the company in it. Therefore, we continue to introduce you to the details of the visit to the Chinese enterprises by General Director of SOLARGROUP Sergey Semyonov and other representatives of the company.

On the second day of the trip, our delegation visited the BAW car factory. It is one of the largest enterprises of the Chinese automotive industry. The production of electric cars was launched at it several years ago. And now the company is interested in applying the "Slavyanka" technology for its electric trucks.

Watch the video for more details.