SOLARGROUP in China | Day 1 | At the world's largest factory producing electric motors and hand-held power tools

SOLARGROUP in China | Day 1 | At the world's largest factory producing electric motors and hand-held power tools

SOLARGROUP's top managers represented by General Director Sergey Semyonov and Head of Advertising and Public Relations Pavel Filippov made a business trip to China. Our delegation also included Fyodor Konstantinov, head of the project department at SOLARGROUP, Andrey Lobov, head of the "Resurs" production cooperative, and Avtar Singh, an Indian businessman and partner of the project.

Victor Arestov, head of ASPP Weihai, honoured citizen of Weihai and partner of "Sovelmash", was the guide for our delegation.

On the first day of the trip, the delegation visited the Wendeng Allwin Motors factory producing electric motors and hand-held power tools for well-known global brands. This enterprise and ASPP Weihai have established a joint company that will produce housings for "Sovelmash" angle grinders. The angle grinders will be fitted with combined winding motors.

Samples of components for the housing have been manufactured and handed over to "Sovelmash" with the SOLARGROUP delegation.

The guests visited the company's head office, the product showroom and production facilities. They were impressed by the scale of the factory.

The company produces more than 150 million units of power tools of various types. The products are exported to more than 50 countries and regions, the export volume is over 50 million dollars.

For more information about the company, visit the official website here.

The factory is interested in "Slavyanka" based products because combined winding motors will allow it to significantly increase the competitiveness of its products and boost the sales profit by several times with a relatively small increase in production costs.