SOLARGROUP can provide income for everyone | Story of SOLARGROUP partner Anuradha Savvana, India

SOLARGROUP can provide income for everyone | Story of SOLARGROUP partner Anuradha Savvana, India

My name is Anuradha Savvana. I live in Srikakulam District of Andhra Pradesh state in India. I'm a housewife.

My income used to be just enough to cover my family's needs. But in 2018, I joined SOLARGROUP and everything changed.

Initially I was only an investor, although I signed the partnership agreement already in 2018. I then attended the 2019 SOLARGROUP conference in Delhi along with my husband Savvana Sreedhararao, a partner in the company. I was surprised to see over 1,000 people attending the event. After that, I decided to work for SOLARGROUP and my husband and family members supported me.

I totally understand this project! It aims to protect the environment. So I continue to work hard for the development and success of the company.

Three years ago I achieved the "Professional" status, thanks to the support of my husband and my team. I'm still investing! And I hope that the project "Duyunov's motors" will be successfully implemented in the near future, and SOLARGROUP will remain my source of income.

My goal is to reach the highest status in the near future, to become a "President". I know that you will only get results in partner business if you keep working hard. It is a little difficult only at the beginning of your work journey. And then things start to pick up. The secret is believing in what we do.

SOLARGROUP is a company that consistently inspires me. I have made a great investment thanks to this company and I can work from home and have a steady income. I have no desire to get a salaried job! You can work remotely with this company in a comfortable mode. That's exactly what I want.

I can improve my skills, I do it and I get support. The SOLARGROUP partner program is unique and gives unlimited income opportunities.

I believe that companies like "Sovelmash" and SOLARGROUP can provide everyone with a decent income.

Many thanks to my team members and SOLARGROUP management!