Report from the construction site

Report from the construction site

Together with Alexander Sudarev, let's see to what extent the D&E building and the area around it are ready to obtain the certificate of construction completion.

The premises are fitted with an automatic sprinkler system and the remaining part of the lawn is seeded. Inside the building, remedial actions are being taken to address the comments received during the preliminary inspections, and finishing touches are being put.

The video explains and demonstrates:

• what the office and amenity building looks like now,
• what equipment has been added to the production area,
• what is the readiness status of the third-floor premises,
• what the surface mount line looks like, where the boards for the angle grinder are already being made, as well as the other areas.

Finishing touches remain to be made in the D&E construction, and the enterprise is preparing for commissioning in full swing.

All of this has become possible thanks to you, our investors and partners. Let's keep heading towards our goal together!

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