Record-high investments in "Sovelmash"

Record-high investments in "Sovelmash"

We continue to introduce you to the interim results of the "Thank You" offer. The main one is the following - "Sovelmash" has received a record amount of investment over the last 1.5 months. Dmitriy Duyunov talks about it in a new video.

"Recently, the inflow of investments has been on the rise. That never happened before. My warmest regards and thanks to you. All the processes at the site are taking place thanks to you. No money, no work done. When there's money, there's work."

The leader of the project also speaks about how the construction has progressed thanks to the offer and what tasks are still to be completed.

• The area of the construction site has been transformed. Piles of soil and crushed reinforced concrete and so on have disappeared. The asphalt is being paved. The site is gradually taking on a more polished appearance.

• Lighting and telemetry are being installed, and soil is being brought in for backfilling.

• The installation of the heat distribution point is progressing dynamically and with high-quality results. This gives hope that the building will be connected to the heat supply by the winter. This would be unrealistic without record-high investments.

• Interior finishing work and many other tasks are being tackled.

However, there are still a number of important tasks that need to be completed in the coming weeks. They also require funding. That's why we've extended the "Thank You" offer until September 15, or until the target amount of $ 4,000,000 is met.

All the details of the offer are available here.

The success of the project is in our hands!