The path to construction of "SovElMash" innovative center: what it was like and what will happen next

The path to construction of "SovElMash" innovative center: what it was like and what will happen next

The best news of the last six months in the project is the construction start at the "SovElMash" site in "Technopolis "Moscow".
The company's team have put all their efforts and skills to complete a number of tasks that may seem too easy to some of you, and unmanageable - to others. But while some people are speculating and being apprehensive, the team of "SovElMash" is acting and achieving the planned results, no matter what the obstacles are.

We are offering you to remember what had been done in the course of 3 years before the construction activities began.
• "SovElMash" prepares a project for the innovative center where the world's most efficient electric motors will be developed using the "Slavyanka" technology. The goal is to build this center on the territory of the special economic zone "Technopolis "Moscow" to make sure the company works in the best possible conditions. It is necessary to undergo a lot of checks and prove to the state commission that the company "SovElMash" is ready to implement such an ambitious project. It takes about 1.5 years to reach the goal.
• "SovElMash" becomes the resident of "Technopolis "Moscow" in February 2019 and takes a lease for a land lot on the territory of the special economic zone, the "Alabushevo" site. Now it is necessary to carry out some organizational procedures related to obtaining the land lot and the new status: to sign the contracts and start preparing for the construction. This takes almost six months.
• "SovElMash" together with the general contractor prepare the project documentation and the engineering survey results to submit to the state examination agency. It takes about six months to elaborate the project for the engineering center that is unique for Russia. On December 31, 2019, this very extensive document is sent for examination to Moscow State Examination Agency.
• The experts thoroughly check the project documentation, provide their comments concerning the flaws that are then promptly eliminated by "SovElMash". The process is greatly delayed due to the serious errors made by the general contractor and the coronavirus pandemic. However, in May 2020, the state examination agency issues a positive report, and in June, the other regulatory authorities issue their approval too.

On July 15, the construction activities start on the site.
What is to be done during the first construction stage:
• building a construction camp that meets all the modern requirements for workplace management;
• connecting all the utilities, providing the Internet access;
• arranging a checkpoint and a washing point for the equipment.

What will the "SovElMash" innovative centre be like?

The building with three floors will be located on a land lot of a bit more than 2 hectares. The main part will consist of two complexes: administrative and production. The administrative part will include the management and designer offices as well as the checkpoint, showroom, dining facilities and conference room. The production part will be engaged in making small-scale pilot batches of electric motors, quality control and testing the designed models. It will also include the storage facilities and infrastructure.

The innovative center is planned to be built in 2 years if the external circumstances, including the pandemic, do not postpone the deadline.

"SovElMash" has a lot of interesting and challenging tasks ahead. The team is determined to cope with them and launch the design and engineering department for developing unique motors.

Support the project "Duyunov's motors" with your investments and become the co-owner of the innovative enterprise to receive your part of the profit in the future!
Invest with maximum profit up to and including July 29 — at 23:59 Moscow time this day, stage 13 in the project funding ends. From July 30, the investment shares will cost more.

The investors who supported the project at the early stages and have not yet closed their installment plans have the opportunity to increase their investment packages at the date-of-purchase discount. This extremely profitable offer is also valid until the end of the stage.