There are different kinds of promotions

There are different kinds of promotions

Why do people participate in promotions?

1. They want to experience all the opportunities the company offers.
2. They want to improve their communication skills.
3. They want to learn how to promote a project more effectively.
4. Lastly, they want to make more money!

Promotions, above all, establish a connection between all participants in a business and demonstrate its benefits. Therefore, promos are a powerful tool that requires its developers a competent approach, careful analysis and the most realistic forecasts.

Different promos have different purposes. Some are aimed at establishing mutual understanding between a company and its participants, creating a positive dynamic. The second type promos stimulate the activity of project participants and help to acquire useful contacts, increase brand awareness. The third have a lasting effect, solidify the company's reputation and help participants gain a permanent customer base.

And there are promos that work in three directions at once. "Partner Race" and "Business Shark" from SOLARGROUP are just that!

We don't know how you make the decision to participate in promos, but we know that all of your goals are more than attainable. If you:

• Want to experience all the opportunities the company has to offer - participate in the promos! There are tools for you in the back office that will be useful in this: the "Gift to a Friend" option, the "Double Payment" option, the "Early Repayment" option and many other opportunities to get bonuses - explore, try and actively share these opportunities with other people. Help people buy and increase investment packages with maximum benefit - and get the benefit yourself!

• Want to improve your communication skills - participate in the promos! Check out the "Partner Work Methodology". It will help you always successfully interact with investors and partners and add confidence in both yourself and your actions.

• Want to learn how to promote the project more effectively - participate in the promos! We all have a common goal: implementing the project. And there are challenges that arise at different stages of this journey. Now, for example, it is necessary to lay the engineering utilities in the "Sovelmash" D&E - and you are helping to do it with your participation in the promos! Tell people about the unique offers for investors. Be prepared to answer their questions about the project and the company - our "Knowledge Base" 
will help you do that. You fulfill the conditions of the promo on time - and contribute to completing the current tasks of the project! In addition to prizes and gifts, you gain experience, knowledge and skills that will stay with you forever.

• Want to earn more money - participate in the promos! A promo is a business game, and a game means excitement and drive. If you don't know how to increase your income in partner business and reach a new status, the promos will enable you to find out and achieve it! "Partner Race" will get you a cash reward and gift shares, and "Business Shark" will provide status prizes. Things get easy with promos! Because there are answers to questions, examples of calculations, tips and action strategies in the back office for each promo.

Participate in the second round of the "Business Shark" and "Partner Race" promos that is in effect right now. And invite your team to participate! Achieve your goals, win prizes - and support the project effectively.