Interim results and a new condition in the SOLARGROUP lottery

Interim results and a new condition in the SOLARGROUP lottery

The SOLARGROUP prizes-for-all lottery continues in the project "Duyunov's motors". The main goal of the offer is to attract the required amount of investment in the project and complete the construction of the "Sovelmash" engineering centre as quickly as possible.

Detailed terms and conditions of the lottery can be found by following the link.

The statistics demonstrate high efficiency of the offer. There were 15,198 participants in the two preliminary rounds in October and November.

Attention! We have adjusted the conditions of the lottery. A limit on prizes has been introduced: one investor can win no more than 50,000,000 shares per round. The changes apply to all rounds of the lottery, including those that are over.

Until December 31 inclusive, hurry to participate in the last preliminary round to increase the number of your shares, win an electric motorcycle and make it to the finals!