Get qualified and become a top speaker!

Get qualified and become a top speaker!

Right now SOLARGROUP is conducting a very important work for partners: speaker qualification. Now every partner has the opportunity to improve their skills in presenting the project, the company and the partner program - and get a certificate that attests to their expertise in this activity.

The company together with its partners organises more than 100 presentation events and webinars per month in different countries. There are three topics for presentations: the project "Duyunov's motors", SOLARGROUP and partner business. The qualification of speaker partners will help to make these events as effective as possible. It will enable our speaker partners to always achieve the goals of their presentation - and succeed in business.

The main goals of qualification:

• improve the quality of presentations given,
• increase the conversion rate and the number of sales, boost the efficiency of events organised by partners.

We are grateful to the partners who were actively involved in this work and were the first to get qualified! To date, we already have qualified speakers on "About the Project", "About the Company", and "About Partner Business".

Partners qualified in all three topics:

• Gilles Weber
• Dimitar Dimitrov
• Ishaku Marley
• Ashok Kumar
• Ravi Shiodas Walke
• Raushan Kumar Singh
• Anand Roy

Partner qualified in two topics - "About the Company" and "About Partner Business":

• Johann Butschbach

Partner qualified in "About the Company":

• David Ramos

Partners qualified in "About Partner Business":

• Marco Hubert Scheidbach
• Kiril Kokalevski

Partners qualified in "About the Project":

• Massimiliano Vivían Rossini
• Leumin Diaz
• Maria Popovska

Qualified speakers were given personal certificates and a special icon in the back office - now every user can see that the event is hosted by a certified expert. Our congratulations to the first qualified speakers of SOLARGROUP!

We hope to have all of the company's speakers qualified and certified soon. Qualified partners will be able to introduce people to their opportunities in the project and the company quickly and efficiently - and improve their performance much faster. During kickoff meetings and qualification sessions, speakers solidify their core skill: leading the customer to the target action of a presentation. When a partner drills this skill using a checklist, their target audience always understands what to do. Qualified partners can attest to this - conversion rates for their events have increased, sales have picked up even for those who had low rates before qualification.

Now qualified speakers are successfully putting these skills into practice. We are proud of their results.

If you haven't yet completed qualification, don't hold off on this step. This is a great opportunity for you to improve your presentation skills and take your career to new heights. Our speaker kits and checklists will help you structure your presentation and effectively engage with your audience.

We invite you to join our team of certified speakers! With any qualification related questions, please contact the registrar:

Get qualified and become part of our team of leaders!