The lottery winners talked about their participation in the offer and in the project

The lottery winners talked about their participation in the offer and in the project

The final round of the SOLARGROUP lottery continues until January 31 inclusive, and you can win an electric car, a motorcycle and 8 other prizes!

The winners of lottery round one and two shared their emotions with us and said how long they had been investing in SOLARGROUP projects and why.

Mamidi Kannam Naidu from India won a Denzel Liberty electric motorcycle with a "Slavyanka" based motor.

"I didn't expect to win the lottery! I got a call saying who'd won the motorcycle! I am very content with our company, SOLARGROUP! I have been investing in Sovelmash since 2019 and now I am also investing in airships. I am excited to see the future results. Thank you!"

Maxim Kuznetsov from Russia won a boat with a “Slavyanka” based motor and a coupon for the final raffle.

"I learned the news about winning a prize from an e-mail newsletter. I felt joy and pride for the project! I don't know yet how to dispose of the boat, I will consult my friends. I started investing in Sovelmash in the spring of 2024. I learned about investing in the project from a video blog on YouTube. I liked the idea, the conditions, and I am in the project for patriotic reasons, too."

Tatyana Shumkina won a tour of the Sovelmash's D&E, the Aeronova office and participation in the launch of a stratospheric aircraft.

"I got a live call informing that I had won a prize. I was very surprised, with emotions overwhelming me!!! I will definitely come to the meeting! I have known about the project for a while, but started investing at stage 18."

Dear friends! Each of you who invests $ 500 or more in SOLARGROUP projects in January when buying a new package or upon early repayment of an installment plan will get a coupon for participation in the raffle of prizes of the final lottery round.

Find out the details and join!

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