When inviting people, I always share my personal experience | Story of SOLARGROUP partner Amantay Kuspanovich Idrisov

When inviting people, I always share my personal experience | Story of SOLARGROUP partner Amantay Kuspanovich Idrisov

My name is Amantay Kuspanovich Idrisov. I am a retiree living in Kazakhstan, Astana (Nur-Sultan).

I have a college degree in mechanical engineering for motor vehicles. My work experience totals 45 years. I worked in manufacturing as a mechanic and engineer. From 1991 to 2007 I was a successful businessman. From 2007 to 2015, before retiring, I held managerial positions in the utilities and public sector.

In the Soviet era, my salary was 300 Soviet rubles ($ 385). It was enough to support the family: cover food, buy clothes, shoes, pay for the public services, repay loans for the purchased furniture, household appliances - and some money was left for savings.

In Soviet times, frankly, I was content with everything, because back then everyone lived on their salary. Housing, healthcare and education were free. But at that time, no attention was paid to private business, entrepreneurship.

I have been in the investment business for more than 20 years. I got my first good result from investments in 2011, when I sold 300 shares worth $ 53,000 in a Kazakh mining company. Then I realized that, in addition to my main job, it is possible to engage in investments, as citizens in developed capitalist countries do. There was a period when I had shares in several companies. Those were educational years for me, I was delving into the field of investment in practice. In 2015, I retired by age, my retirement benefit was $ 245 at the time. It was impossible to live on such an income, so I decided to continue investing.

Before the project "Duyunov's motors" I invested into another major project. I became acquainted with "Duyunov's motors" in mid-September 2018 via the Internet, when the project was in its implementation stage 5. I figured out how promising the project was, since electric motors are used in all branches of economy: metallurgy, machine manufacturing, oil and gas industry, agriculture, utilities, production of household appliances, etc. "Slavyanka" based motors reduce power consumption by up to 40%, their production cost is 25-30% lower, they are smaller in size and 2.8 times more reliable than modern electric motors produced in the world market. After entering the world market in the next 3-5 years, the "Slavyanka" technology will revolutionize the production of electric motors, just as in 2008-2010 iPhones and smartphones revolutionized the production of cell phones. And any investor will become a wealthy person.

I registered in the project as a partner and am part of the structure of Sergey Shevchenko, the company's employee. I am very glad that it was Sergey who invited me. He suggested holding an offline presentation (live meeting) in Astana and Almaty. My partner Kumisbek Nurtazin and I supported this proposal. The presentations were held in 2018, on November 24 in Astana and November 25 in Almaty. Pavel Filippov and Pavel Shadskiy came to Kazakhstan for the presentation. Prior to that, the company held presentations in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk.

As soon as I became an investor and partner of SOLARGROUP, I started inviting friends, acquaintances, my partners in another project. Kumisbek Nurtazin was the first to support me.

When inviting people, I always share my personal experience. I share why I invest myself and what good results I have. The key reasons that helped me make this decision:

• the project is promising and real,
• there is an opportunity to buy shares with a large discount in installments spread over 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 months,
• the prospect of becoming financially independent.

My goal was to invite as many people as possible - and thus contribute to the successful development of the project.

First of all, I studied the partner program: what partner statuses there are in the marketing plan, what conditions need to be met to upgrade the status and what this will do for me.

I got the first results within the first 10 days, and many of my partners became investors at project stage 5. This happened because first I invited those who had experience of investing in other projects.

I reached the "Specialist" status in 10-15 days after registration and my first investment. I currently hold the "Master" status.

Over the entire time of being part of the project "Duyunov's motors", probably the most difficult period was the pandemic, from March 2020 to April 2021, when Kazakhstan's economy was in recession, just like the rest of the world's economy. During that period, many partners were out of work due to layoffs, so there were difficulties with the payment of packages.

I consider my decision to become an investor and partner to be correct and timely. And I adhere to steady principles in partner business:

• know the project thoroughly,
• be able to prove its viability,
• shed light on all the news for my team of partners.

I keep in touch with my invitor Sergey Shevchenko, he responds to all my inquiries in a timely and competent manner. In the near future, I want to reach the "Expert" status. I use my referral remuneration to buy shares and increase my investment portfolio.

I am inspired by SOLARGROUP's teamwork style, respect and trust in each other.

I am grateful to the company's executives with whom I cooperate - Pavel Shadskiy, Pavel Filippov, and Sergey Shevchenko - for their timely assistance in dealing with emerging issues. They help promote the project in Kazakhstan. In May 2022, Pavel Shadskiy, the company's commercial director, came to Kazakhstan and held a series of meetings with the project leaders.

I thank my partners who supported the project and became investors: Bulat Idrisov, Kumisbek Nurtazin, Zhanat Yeschanov, Altynbek Amanzhol, Aikunum Makeeva, Saule Kermisakyzy, Faruk Sadykov, the honored worker of culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan Muratbek Toktagazin, Nurmagambet Zhambalin, Alexander Vesyoly and many others!