Pavel Filippov: "There is a lot of interest in the project and business in Ecuador!"

Pavel Filippov: "There is a lot of interest in the project and business in Ecuador!"

Following Peru, Ecuador could not resist the allure of the project "Duyunov's motors".

The first SOLARGROUP offline conference for investors, partners and everyone interested in the "Slavyanka" technology in Ecuador was held on June 3 in Quito.

The national representative office of SOLARGROUP opened in Ecuador at the end of 2021. And this collaboration has proven to be so productive that after a year and a half the performance figures have doubled, and the number of project participants, investors and active partners continues to grow. Massimiliano Vivian Rossini, national partner in Ecuador, and Martha Crespín Calderon, the company's leading partner in Ecuador, are amongst the key contributors.

"We arrived a few days before the conference, during that time we had a large number of meetings, formally and informally," says Pavel Filippov. We made presentations for major investors, addressed professors and students, and just had dinner together. There is a lot of interest in the "Slavyanka" technology in Ecuador! And high interest in business means reaching a large number of agreements".

During our delegation's visit to Ecuador, the conference was accompanied by a number of equally interesting events:

• testing a boat motor, brought in by Andrey Lobov, head of the "Resurs" production cooperative;
• arranging to fit a "Slavyanka" based motor to an electric car designed by the students - this project is a contender for a government grant;
• launching the "Regional Bonus" offer;
• holding a small-scale lottery right in the conference hall;
• congratulating Andrey Lobov on his birthday - on stage at the conference, with gifts, a cake and lots of guests!

Watch the video where Pavel Filippov gives a detailed account of his visit to Ecuador and shares his impressions.

We have also compiled a photo album of the event for you.