Pay in installments on schedule - get bonus investment shares

Pay in installments on schedule - get bonus investment shares

Payment discipline is the main way to get the most shares when investing. An important condition for earning bonuses is to make all payments within the period specified in the rules and not to get one's installment plan cancelled.

What does payment discipline bring to the table?

From 10% to 50% bonus shares as part of the offer to support the "Sovelmash" engineering networks. As a reminder, if you purchase or upsize your investment package under this offer, you will get additional shares after full repayment of your installment plan. The number of bonuses is calculated based on the number of shares in the package.

5% bonus shares for timely installment payment. This is a permanent option available in the project for all investors. It can be combined with other offers. You can learn more about it by following this link..

The total number of shares in the purchased package. Only after the last installment payment is made will you be credited with more than half the number of shares in the package.

If you do not make a payment in time, the installment plan is cancelled, and all payment discipline bonuses go with it. The installment can be restored later, but you will lose the bonus shares forever. So check out your installment schedule in "Investments" - "My Investments" and adhere to it.

Remember: payment discipline is the responsibility of every investor, it is crucial to the successful implementation of our project!