Online learning is an investment in yourself during the quarantine time!

Online learning is an investment in yourself during the quarantine time!

If you have subscribed to an expanded package of TV channels and downloaded a new game to your smartphone after switching to the work-from-home mode, we'll have to disappoint you! The quarantine is not time to relax! It's time to invest your time in more serious things and, ultimately, in education.

You are definitely aware that people do online courses, watch online classes, do homework, and even get certificates. It's time for you to think about the new skills that will help you climb to a new level of the social ladder.

Especially for your development, we have collected information about the best online education platforms. Hundreds of courses and programs in different languages are available for free, the main condition is being goal-oriented!

So, here they are:

1. Сoursera, Khan Academy, Open Culture Online Courses, Udemy, Academic Earth - these educational portals cooperate with the world's leading universities, museums and trusts offering students a wide range of topics for online education. You can choose and mix courses offered by various organizations getting information when it's convenient for you. Business, computer science, foreign languages, culture, history - choose the major you like!

2.Stanford Online, Harvard Extension, Open Yale Courses, UC Berkeley Class Central, MIT OpenCourseWare, Carnegie Mellon Open Learning Initiative - these are the websites of free online courses from the world's leading universities. You no longer have to pay thousands of dollars to add information about studying at a prestigious university to your CV! After completing the chosen educational course, you can get a corresponding diploma, but this option is mostly chargeable.

3. Codecademy is a platform where you can learn the basics of computer programming for free. A special window for practical training gives the students an opportunity to apply their knowledge during the class.

4. The podcasts of the University of London, University of Oxford and BBC is a convenient source of new knowledge. If you are good at auditory perception of new information, this is your chance to get a free and top-quality education and broaden your horizons.

5. TED-Ed is an educational portal with videos on interesting topics up to 10 minutes long. No time to get bored!

6. LessonPaths is a place where users share links to playlists of their favorite courses on websites of educational institutions. The ratings can tell you what other users like, and what people are interested in on the whole.

7. For Russian-speaking Internet users, various courses are available in their native language: Открытое образование, Универсариум,,,, Vector.

If you don't speak English well and it gets in the way of doing online courses on the best educational platforms of the planet, start with learning the language ;)

In our next selection, we will review 5 best language apps and websites!