SOLARGROUP New Year's lottery with a prize pool of $ 25,000

SOLARGROUP New Year's lottery with a prize pool of $ 25,000

We remind you that in December you can get coupons for participation in the New Year's lottery, in which investment packages will be raffled off.

• one $ 15,000 package,
• ten $ 1,000 packages.

A coupon is granted for each $ 250 spent on purchasing investment shares in the project up to and including December 31. It can be a single payment or a series of payments totaling $ 250.

You will get one coupon for every subsequent $ 250 spent. The more you have, the better your chances of winning the raffle. Multiple coupon holders can win several prize packages.

On January 10, we will raffle off the prizes and announce the winners.

For more information about the lottery, click here.

More than 1,000 people and more than 2,400 coupons are currently participating in the lottery.

Join and win!