At the turn of stages 15 and 16 in project funding: achievements and plans for the future

At the turn of stages 15 and 16 in project funding: achievements and plans for the future

On May 20, funding stage 16 started in the project "Duyunov's motors". 3/4 of the planned stages are behind us. With what baggage are we starting the new stage? We offer you to recall the key events of stage 15 and outline our plans for the near future.

Construction of "Sovelmash" D3333E

At stage 15, the main scope of work on the construction of the building foundation was completed: the pit was prepared, most of the concrete foundations were cast and waterproofed, and the foundation was backfilled with sand by applying layer-by-layer compaction.

In the near future, the pouring of concrete up to the level of -200 mm will continue, it is planned to cast the concrete foundation for the stairwell and complete the backfill.

After the foundation is erected, the installation of the metal building frame will begin. Most of the structures for it have already been shipped to the construction site by Astron.

Another important event for the D3333E construction: at stage 15, a transformer box was installed on the site, thanks to which the builders began to get electricity from "Technopolis "Moscow", and not from diesel generators, as it had been before.

On the leased premises of "Sovelmash"

Equipment for the automated electric motor production line was ordered in China. This line will enable producing small-scale pilot batches of electric motors in the amount of about 12,000 units per month and clearly demonstrating to customers the capacities of automated motor production.

Currently, "Sovelmash" is carrying out repairs in the premises where the automated production line is to be located. After it is installed, training of specialists, debugging and optimization of equipment, creation of tooling, development of workflow methodologies will begin. After the "Sovelmash" D3333E is put into operation, the production line will be moved to new premises, and the team will already have experience of operating it.

The "Sovelmash" laboratory is being enhanced, and a new room has been leased to expand it. This will increase the accuracy of motor testing, and the laboratory will meet the standards and requirements necessary for further accreditation. Besides, additional high-precision equipment has been installed in the laboratory.

New development of "Sovelmash"

Duyunov's team has developed an original incremental encoder, which will allow the company not to depend on other countries and suppliers. In addition, it is much cheaper than the analogues. Besides, the specialists of "Sovelmash" have developed and created a unit which can be used to produce about 30-40 thousand units of basic encoder parts for yourself as well as for sale.

Annual audit

"Sovelmash" has successfully passed the mandatory annual audit. This result confirms the professionalism of the employees, the viability of the company and full compliance of its activities with the legal norms.

Project funding

Statistics show that the project funding is advancing at a good pace. At stage 15, 24,000 new registered participants joined the project, their total number reached 307,000 people. More than 3,800 new investors supported the "Slavyanka" technology. In total, more than 6,200 new investment packages were purchased.

The number of active SOLARGROUP partners at stage 15 increased by 700 people. Hundreds of online and offline events dedicated to the project were held in different countries by the leading partners and the company.

In Africa, 3 national offices of SOLARGROUP were opened at once: in Cameroon and Burkina Faso (with Gilles Weber as the national partner), as well as in Nigeria (with Ishaku Marley as the national partner). Work on opening national representative offices in new countries is to continue in the second half of 2021.

We are proud of the project's achievements that have been made possible largely thanks to your support. At funding stage 16, we will continue to work and accomplish further tasks to achieve our common goal!