Project Guide: what do you buy in the project "Duyunov's motors"?

Project Guide: what do you buy in the project "Duyunov's motors"?

By investing in our project, you become a co-owner of the only enterprise in the world that develops innovative combined winding motors.

• You buy shares in SOLARGROUP.
• SOLARGROUP is one of the co-founders of the "Sovelmash" limited liability company (OOO in the classification of Russian legal entities), with a 49% stake.
• OOO "Sovelmash" will be reorganised into a joint stock company (AO in the classification of Russian legal entities).
• SOLARGROUP investment shares will be exchanged for the shares in AO "Sovelmash", and you will be able to earn income from your shares.

How will you earn your income?

• 50% of the profits made by "Sovelmash" allocated for dividends will be distributed among the investors according to their share in the company. Dividends are planned to be paid once a year when the enterprise starts developing customised electric motors.
• It is possible to earn a profit from selling your shares. You buy shares now at a much lower price than the one they will be sold at later. "Sovelmash" has already considerably increased its value compared to the start of the project. When the company completes the engineering centre construction, redeems the land it's built on, and continues to develop and implement its technologies, its assets will skyrocket in value. And you'll be able to sell your shares for much more money than their initial value.

Join our innovative project to secure your financial well-being!