Crowdinvesting and airships

Crowdinvesting and airships

SOLARGROUP is not the first company to employ crowdinvesting in an airship manufacturing and support project.

✔️British company Hybrid Air Vehicles (HAVs) develops Airlander hybrid airships that are designed for a wide range of applications:

• communications and intelligence,
• cargo transportation,
• tourist travel, etc.

The project has become one of the biggest crowdfunding events in history raising over a million pounds in two weeks. Incidentally, the project is supported by the Universities of Cranfield, Liverpool and Sheffield. And its investor is Iron Maiden lead singer Bruce Dickinson.

✔️Another example is Flying Whales. This is a pilot project by French entrepreneurs to build new generation airships. The initiator of the project, Sébastien Bougon, envisioned building 150 giant airships capable of carrying up to 60 tons of cargo. These airships are designed for economic transportation from hard-to-reach locations, including timber from forest areas. This project has already attracted more than 200 million euros in investment.

And these are by no means all crowdinvesting projects related to airships. We hope that SOLARGROUP's New Generation Airships project will be among the most visible and successful in the world.

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