"Sovelmash" at project funding stage 16: the highlights

"Sovelmash" at project funding stage 16: the highlights

Funding stage 16 in the project "Duyunov's motors" is nearing completion. We continue to summarize its results. Today we will recall what key events have taken place in "Sovelmash" over the past six months.

New patents

On September 13, 2021, a patent was registered for the split combined winding principle. The invention makes it possible to control one combined winding traction motor using several controllers at once. This, in turn, makes motor control more variable, increases its reliability in case of failures, and reduces the cost of the drive system. The use of the invention in general-purpose industrial motors provides a smoother start of their operation and reduces the load on the power supply system.

In addition to the mentioned patent, 4 more patent applications submitted by "Sovelmash" are currently under consideration by the state commission.

New developments

"Sovelmash" continued its work on the angle grinder with a combined winding electric motor and an original inhouse-designed controller. Comparative tests have shown that the use of "Slavyanka" reduces the weight and noise level of the angle grinder, increases the speed and quality of cutting, extends the service life and improves the energy efficiency of the machine.

The "Sovelmash" specialists are currently working on more than 50 development projects of combined winding motors that could later become the D3333E orders.

Additionally, the company's developing the means of producing electric motors that will be installed at the customer's facilities. These technologies will significantly reduce the production cost of motors and the requirements to premises where the production will be carried out.

New equipment

On September 11, the equipment purchased in China to create an automated electric motor production line was delivered to the leased premises of "Sovelmash" in Zelenograd. It is necessary to elaborate the entire production process and demonstrate to the customer the possibility to mass produce the developed model. To date, the units have been installed and adjusted, the tooling is being fine-tuned. More information about the automated production line can be found here /news/posts/v-sovelmas-dostavleno-oborudovanie-dlya-avtomatizirovannoi-proizvodstvennoi-linii-1999

The "Sovelmash" testing laboratory has been enhanced. The measuring equipment and the operator's workstation were moved to a separate room away from the load machines. Such isolation ensures work safety and compliance with the requirements for laboratory accreditation in accordance with the EurAsEC standards. After this accreditation, the results of the tests carried out will be recognized not only in the territory of the Russian Federation, but also abroad, which will allow to conduct motor certification.

Popularization of the project

"Sovelmash" became a prize-winner of the "TECHNOKHOD-2021" competition for industrial enterprises of the "Technopolis "Moscow" special economic zone. The official award ceremony was held on December 3. The company got a prize in the "Techno Media" nomination. "Sovelmash" also became a nominee in the categories of "Techno Partnership" and "Techno Environment". Participation in the competition was an opportunity for the company to popularize the technology and its activities.

"Sovelmash" has sent an appeal to the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Mishustin with a proposal to include the company in implementing the Concept of developing the production of electric vehicles. This will allow "Sovelmash" not only to make itself known on a large scale, but also to receive subsidies for the construction of plants, as well as special investment contracts.

The events that took place in "Sovelmash" at stage 16 and the work carried out by the company's specialists are important for the successful and faster implementation of the project on the territory of the D3333E under construction. Timely funding is equally important. Your investments will support the development of the "Slavyanka" technology and "Sovelmash". Along with the end of the current stage 16, the validity period of the most profitable offers will expire, more information can be found here /user/ref/materials. Invest in the project with maximum benefit until December 30 inclusive!