How can you accelerate the "Sovelmash" D&E construction?

How can you accelerate the "Sovelmash" D&E construction?

In the last episode of the "Expert Time" program, Dmitriy Duyunov announced the news: Special Economic Zone (SEZ) "Technopolis "Moscow", on the territory of which the "Sovelmash" D&E is being built, demands to complete the construction in the first quarter of 2023. Recall that previously another, later date of commissioning the project was scheduled.

You asked: is it realistic to accelerate the construction? Our answer is yes, it is realistic, provided there is sufficient funding.

The "Sovelmash" D&E construction has reached a new stage, when its pace can be significantly accelerated. If previously many activities were carried out sequentially, now the builders can perform them simultaneously.

Most of the first-level floors are done, which allows to

• move the sandwich panels stored outside inside the building, free up space on the site and make earthwork faster and cheaper;
• take the paid equipment from the temporary storage and move it to the D&E building;
• start installing water and heat meters, after which it will be possible to connect the engineering utilities, work on which is already in progress.

The questions concerning the SEZ requirements were settled at a repeat meeting of "Sovelmash" with the management of "Technopolis "Moscow". This is what Dmitriy Duyunov said after the meeting: "Our arguments were compelling. Commissioning the facility at the beginning of next year is no longer a matter of discussion. The management of "Technopolis" and the Department have confirmed a high and comprehensive interest in the successful implementation of the project."

This does not mean that one can relax and do nothing. It is in the best interest of all the parties to complete the D&E construction as soon as possible. The main task of the investors and project partners is to repay their installments as quickly as possible.

It's to your advantage, too.

• First, there are bonus shares accrued for early repayment of installments.
• Second, it will make it possible to start receiving dividends from the "Sovelmash" D&E activities earlier.

The project completion pace is in your hands!