How does a partner structure work in the New Generation Airships project?

How does a partner structure work in the New Generation Airships project?

SOLARGROUP has promised to maintain all the partner structures and statuses you have gained in all our projects.

We'll explain in more detail below how it works.

We do not oblige our current investors and partners to participate in new projects. Therefore, it is important for us to understand and distinguish between those who are interested and those who are more comfortable staying only in the "Duyunov's motors" project. For this purpose, we are introducing a special marketing plan for those who would like to transfer their structure to the new project.

Let's take a look at some examples.

1. You are only interested in the "Duyunov's motors" project, you do not promote New Generation Airships and do not invest in it:
• your current structure continues working in the project "Duyunov's motors" without any changes,
• if an investor in your structure independently decides to invest in the new project, you do NOT earn any referral remuneration from these sales.

2. You are interested in both projects and ready to attract investments in them through your structure. You meet the conditions of the special marketing plan once and your current structure starts working in the new project. You get referral remuneration for sales in both projects in accordance with your partner status.

3. You are interested in both projects, but you would not like to transfer your current structure from "Duyunov's motors" to the new project. You don't need to meet the special marketing plan, there's a standard one in place for you right away.

• All new investors enter your partner structure and you get referral remuneration for sales in the New Generation Airships project according to your partner status.
• If an investor who was in your structure before the launch of the new project decides to invest in the new project on his/her own, you do NOT earn referral remuneration from these sales. But you can earn it in the future if you fulfill the special marketing plan.

Now more about the special marketing plan. Things you must be sure to do in order to make your current structure work in the new project.

1. Invest in the New Generation Airships project from $ 500 by buying an investment package with a nominal value from $ 2,000 in installments or in a lump-sum payment.
2. Repost the project's page on your social media. To do this, select the social media you use in the bottom unit of the page, click on the corresponding icon and hit "Share".
3. Work with your first-level partners. There are several options to choose from:
3 people from level 1 must each invest $ 500 or more to the new project,
10 people from level 1 must each invest $ 50 or more to the new project.

Or you can use the alternative marketing plan option.
1. Invest $ 10,000 in the New Generation Airships project in a lump-sum payment.
2. Repost the project's page on your social media. To do this, go to the website, select the social media you use in the bottom unit of the page, click on the corresponding icon and hit "Share".

Done – your built up structure now works in the new project too!

If partners in my structure have already invested in the new project and I haven't completed the marketing plan, will I receive my referral remuneration for those sales?
– No, referral remuneration will be accrued from the moment the marketing plan is fulfilled.

It's that simple, the partner structure stays the same!

– You meet the special marketing plan and get referral remuneration for package purchases in the new project made by those investors who joined you BEFORE the launch of the new project and by those who joined you AFTER the launch of the project.

– If you don't fulfill the special marketing plan, you get referral remuneration only for purchases made by new investors who came AFTER the launch of the project.

Choose the option that works for you.

More about the project