The week results in the project "Duyunov's motors"

The week results in the project "Duyunov's motors"

Dmitriy Alexandrovich Duyunov tells about this week's main news:
- the equipment calibration has been completed, soon the internal laboratory certification will be held and in the beginning of the next week the tests will start;
- the work on creating the new "SovElMash" website that will be announced in the near future are underway;
- the visit of a mass media representative to "SovElMash" has been planned that will probably result in one more publication we will inform you about later.

Other news:
- this week the project has taken part in RENWEX exhibition, the detailed photo report can be found in the group album -

- Russian mass media have made a series of publications about the project (more details - /news/posts/rossiiskie-smi-aktivno-pisut-o-proekte-dvigateli-duyunova-862)