Week results in the project "Duyunov's motors"

Week results in the project "Duyunov's motors"

The main news of the last few days: on August 6, the project went to funding stage 14. The date of the stage change was extended by a week so that everyone who wanted to invest had a chance to do it.
Congratulations to all the project participants on passing the next milestone and reaching a new level of development! At stage 13, the construction activities started on the "SovElMash" site in "Technopolis "Moscow". And we all hope that at the current stage they will continue successfully, without any interruption.

The routine but important work connected with the documentation maintenance, construction and laboratory research is being conducted in "SovElMash". The final construction permit has not yet been obtained: the application has been sent and we are waiting for the response. However, this does not prevent us from starting the preparatory activities: building the construction camp and connecting the utilities - this is what is being done now on the site.

On the leased premises of the company in Zelenograd, the processes that will be carried out in the future design and engineering department are being elaborated to the smallest detail. The new departments are being shaped in the new premises. Now, for example, the planning and finance department is being created. The methodology for training new employees is being developed.

The main task of the laboratory employees is to create a full-fledged research background: to fine-tune those testing processes that are already underway, and expand the existing capabilities. For example, we have recently put into operation a new 70-kilowatt loading machine, completed the pre-commissioning activities for it, and installed the software. The employees are being trained to operate this unit.

The test results must comply with all the modern standards. The motor testing methods according to the GOST standards have been worked out in the course of the past two years. Currently, the testing methods according to the international standards are being completed.

Besides, the new tooling for the test bench equipment has been made and the equipment has been re-commutated, a number of processes in the laboratory have been automated. As a result, the speed and accuracy of testing has increased.

The work that is just as important and extensive is being done on certifying the equipment. The due calibration procedure that is to be performed regularly to validate the measurement accuracy has been successfully completed. To do this, the equipment is taken to a special certified organization. Only the tests performed on calibrated devices can be officially recognized.

All the developments completed in the laboratory and other "SovElMash" departments will later be upscaled and moved to the territory of the design and engineering department. Therefore, the work that is currently underway is extremely important for the timely launch of the enterprise, establishing the entire process flow for motor development.

Follow our news, we are preparing a video about some interesting tests in the laboratory.