Results of the week in the Duyunov's Motors project

Results of the week in the Duyunov's Motors project

Sovelmash D&E news

Sovelmash was actively preparing for launching the enterprise.

A test bench for drives and propellers was delivered to the D&E. The company's specialists started its assembly and installation. This bench makes it possible to perform measurements at a whole new level: it simultaneously measures revolutions, torque, propeller thrust, mechanical power, electrical power, temperature and energy performance. Without this piece of equipment it is impossible to develop new drives for unmanned aerial vehicles.

A number of products were manufactured. For example, a stator pack for an aircraft motor, which had undergone some changes.

Now the priority for the company is to fit the D&E with state-of-the-art equipment that will enable it to produce serial batches of items, including motors, tooling and machine tool stations.

Current offers

Investors Book. We've launched a new offer. Purchase a promo package in a lump-sum payment and your name will be placed in a special section at the beginning of the Book. It will also perpetuate the names of all the investors. The Book will be made of metal, assembled and placed in the Sovelmash D&E. Its e-version will be available to every participant of the project.

SOLARGROUP lottery, final round. Up to January 31 inclusive, you get 1 coupon for every $ 500 in actual payments when buying a new package and upon early repayment. Grand prizes: a LADA Ellada car and a Denzel Liberty motorcycle with "Slavyanka" based motors. Read more here.

Last week we raffled off 50 prizes in the second round of the lottery. The list of the winners is available in the back office.

More about the lottery