Results of the week in the project "Duyunov's motors"

Results of the week in the project "Duyunov's motors"

"Sovelmash" D&E construction

• On August 1, a milestone in the development of the project was reached. The "Sovelmash" design and engineering technology department was supplied with power following the regular circuit layout. Everything went smoothly and incident free.

This makes it possible to proceed with dismantling the temporary power supply and putting the ventilation systems into operation. As well as carrying out the work to draw up the corresponding documents for obtaining the certificate of construction completion.

• A trench was dug outside the "Sovelmash" premises to connect the second cold water supply inlet. In the course of the activities performed, some utilities were found that did not conform to the existing plan, thus forcing prompt changes to the project and slowing down the completion of work.

"Sovelmash" developments

• The interim tests of the multifunctional "Moth" quadcopter were conducted as part of preparations for the "Army-2024" forum. The drone is built entirely from domestic components with the exception of the controller and batteries. In the future, there are plans to switch to domestic components fully.

• The first controller boards for the angle grinder with a "Slavyanka" based motor were made using our in-house equipment.

Current offers

5% discount on payments of $ 100 or more for early repayment up to and including August 31.
Friendly promo code for 10% of bonus shares when buying a new package of shares until the end of stage 19.

Information about all the offers in the project is available in the back office.

Use and invest in the "Sovelmash" engineering business with maximum benefit!