Results of the week in the project "Duyunov's motors"

Results of the week in the project "Duyunov's motors"

"Sovelmash" D&E construction

• Asphalt paving was completed.
• Equipment and pedestrian entrances were installed.
• Final internal finishing and final work on the installation of utilities on the third floor of the production building was carried out. On the other floors, these tasks are completed.
• Furniture was assembled and offices were set up on the upper floors.
• All units of the chiller plant were pressurized, checked for leaks, and the corresponding certificates of successful completion of the inspections were signed.
• Preparations were underway to connect the power supply from the temporary circuit to the permanent circuit.
• Cleaning and dust removal was carried out everywhere on the premises. Several more pieces of cleaning equipment were purchased for this purpose.
• New equipment was delivered: a CNC milling machine.

"Sovelmash" developments

Preparations for the International Forum "Army-2024" are underway — the assembly and testing of the exhibits are in full swing. Those include making the "Moth" quadcopter. The aircraft motor is being tested, operating modes are being selected, propeller angles of attack are being set.

Current offers

5% discount on payments of $ 100 or more for early repayment up to and including August 31.
Friendly promo code for 10% of bonus shares when buying a new package until the end of stage 19.

Information about all the offers in the project is available in the back office.

Use and invest in the "Sovelmash" engineering business with maximum benefit!