Results of the week in the project "Duyunov's motors"

Results of the week in the project "Duyunov's motors"

"Sovelmash" D&E construction

Last week "Sovelmash" was actively preparing to receive the expert commission and obtain the certificate of construction completion (CC).

• A finish layer of asphalt was paved over most of the area, including the front of the main entrance to the building. There are small areas of pavement left to be completed.
• The noise shield was installed.
• Pressure testing of the cooling system started and all pipes were welded. The next step is flushing and refilling with ethylene glycol solution.
• The second water supply inlet was connected. The chamber wall and the area outside the "Sovelmash" premises were opened.
• The closing work was done on the final interior finishing.

"Sovelmash" started recruitment of employees. The D&E primarily needs design engineers, machine operators, and other specialists. For employment inquiries, contact


A reporting webinar with the SOLARGROUP management was held on July 17.

In the live broadcast, we summed up the performance in the first half of the year, shared the project development statistics. The topics related to getting the company's shares, internal exchange, hosting the 2024 conference were also discussed, and questions from investors were answered.

The broadcast recording can be found here.

Current offers

5% discount on payments of $ 100 or more for early repayment up to and including August 31.
Friendly promo code for 10% of bonus shares when buying a new package until the end of stage 19.

Information about all the offers in the project can be found in the back office.

Use and invest in the "Sovelmash" engineering business with maximum benefit!