Results of the week in the project "Duyunov's motors"

Results of the week in the project "Duyunov's motors"

"Sovelmash" D&E construction

Work continues to connect the cold water supply. The first inlet at the "Sovelmash" site has been connected. The second inlet is being executed on the territory of the technopolis. The external engineering networks will then be fully completed.

Installing the third finishing layer of asphalt around the building began. It has already been done in most of the area.

Many tasks are being simultaneously carried out inside the D&E.

• The lighting systems were stationed in the production building.
• Cold water supply pipes were installed.
• The1st floor walls were panelled.
• Interior finishing and connecting the power supply were in progress.

The construction is progressing dynamically thanks to the support of our investors. It is now important to keep the funding bar high in order to complete and launch the D&E as early as possible.

"Slavyanka" based boat in North Macedonia

Boats with "Slavyanka" based motors were tested on Lake Ohrid in North Macedonia. The drive based on the DA-95S combined winding motor was brought here by Andrey Lobov, head of the "Resurs" production cooperative.

With the assistance of SOLARGROUP partner Goran Nastetski and other Macedonian partners, the motors were installed one by one on different types of boats, including traditional Macedonian boats.

The tests were attended by local environmentalists, who were also given a presentation on the technology. Conservationists are hailing the project aimed at switching from petrol-powered boats to electric boats by applying the "Slavyanka" technology, and are ready to promote the idea at the state level.


We remind you that the second round of the lottery continues in November, and you can increase your share in the project by 2.5 times, win an electric car and an electric motorcycle.

Invest profitably!