Results of the week in the project "Duyunov's motors"

Results of the week in the project "Duyunov's motors"

"Sovelmash" D&E construction

Although it's autumn time, the first sprouts of grass appeared on the "Sovelmash" lawns last week. There are many other notable changes at the construction site, too.

• After the storm sewer pipe was fully connected to the central manifold, the chamber excavated for the drill hole was backfilled and asphalt was paved on top. The area is already recovering its topsoil level.

• The manholes around the D&E building were concreted over and the concrete was covered with asphalt. The final third layer of asphalt can be paved at the earliest opportunity.

• Interior finishing is underway. The walls of the men's and women's changing rooms were finished and the floor was covered with linoleum.

• Tile laying in the second-floor antechamber of the O&A building was completed. Heat and cold exchangers with cooling fans were assembled there as well.

• Glass for the partition walls of the exhibition area on the O&A's first floor was delivered.

"Sovelmash" developments

• The first rotor of the traction motor was cast in the casting area. This rotor is also used in one of the sizes of the elevator winch. The length of the pack is 90 mm. Once the motor is assembled, tests will be carried out, their protocols will be sent to the customer to make the final decision.

• The company's specialists tested another inhouse-designed tooling. The prototypes are made in accordance with the company's documentation. The tooling can now be executed in the hardware version.


The second round of the SOLARGROUP lottery started on November 1. Every time your investment reaches $ 100, you get 1 coupon to participate in the raffle for investment shares and a "Slavyanka" based electric motorcycle. We also return 10% cashback to your main account.

Participation in the lottery for you is a profitable investment and an opportunity to increase your share in the company several times. Moreover, accelerated funding is now really needed to complete the D&E construction as soon as possible.