Results of the week in the project "Duyunov's motors"

Results of the week in the project "Duyunov's motors"

Last week, work on the construction site progressed on a number of fronts.

• The plasterboard partition walls in the office and amenity building were being installed.
• The formation of separate workspaces continued.
• Specialized furniture for the testing laboratory was delivered.
• Work started on finishing the staircases.
• The premises were cleaned of construction debris.
• The installation of engineering networks continued outside the building.

Learn more about the "Sovelmash" D&E construction progress from the video here.

Two new features have been introduced in the back office: inheritance and conversion of main account funds into shares.

The inheritance feature allows you to pass on your investment shares, funds on the main and partner accounts as well as account management rights.

Find out the details by following the link.

The feature of converting main account funds into shares allows you to exchange your account balances into investment shares. The option is available on the main page of the back office in the section where the main account balance is displayed.

For more details, follow the link.