Lottery results in a live broadcast with the top officials

Lottery results in a live broadcast with the top officials

Dear friends! SOLARGROUP's most ambitious lottery, which lasted for 4 months, has come to an end. It's time to sum up its results and raffle off the grand prize — an electric car.

We'll do it on February 7 at 17:00 MSK in a live broadcast with the SOLARGROUP management.

Follow the link to watch the broadcast.

Join the webinar to find out the lottery results, company's news and development plans. And also get your questions answered directly by the executives.

Broadcast speakers:

• Sergey Semyonov, CEO of SOLARGROUP,
• Pavel Filippov, Head of Advertising and Public Relations at SOLARGROUP.

The webinar will be broadcast in several languages: Russian, French, English, German, Spanish, Italian, Indonesian, Hindi, Vietnamese, Portuguese.

You can ask your question in advance by following the link.

We are looking forward to everyone who is actively interested in SOLARGROUP and the project "Duyunov's motors". Join!