Results of the Partner Race: sharing the achievements and congratulating the winners

Results of the Partner Race: sharing the achievements and congratulating the winners

On February 17, the SOLARGROUP Partner Race started. 3 months of hard work, important discoveries, personal and team victories. Today we are summing up the results of the Race and congratulating the winners!

To recap, the competition was held not on the track, but in the framework of partner activities. The main goal for the Race participants was to increase their partner status and their income along with it.

The Race gave the project "Duyunov's motors" new active partners. The number of partners with the "Professional", "Expert" and "Master" statuses increased by 23 % as compared to the previous period of the same duration.
The growth in the activity of partners, in turn, contributed to the increase in the number of investors and the volume of investments in the project.

The main result for the participating partners: they have developed the qualities and skills necessary for achieving success in the partner business. The winners are those who have improved their partner status - they have achieved their goals through self-discipline, daily work and persistence. They showed real leadership qualities. They supported the other partners of the team, helped them to believe in themselves and move forward in the partner business.

Our congratulations to the top ten partners who have scored the biggest number of stars during the Race, helping the first-level partners in their structure to raise the status to "Master" and higher. We thank the strongest partners of SOLARGROUP who have accomplished great work in their countries and have done a lot for the project funding. In addition to the prizes in the form of money credited to the main account and investment shares, each of them will receive a special corporate memorable gift from SOLARGROUP.


Chandaka Sridevi, Expert, India
Lekh Nath Paudel, Expert, Japan
Victor Raul Acosta Alvarado , Expert, Ecuador
Alexander Nikolaev, Professional, Russia
Aain Bonfils Tchana Djesseu, Expert, Сameroon
Ravi Shiodas Walke, Expert, India
Massimiliano Vivían Rossini, Expert, Peru
Anand Roy, Professional, India
Vivek Kumar Singh, Expert, India
Ishaku Marley, Expert, Nigeria

All those who were able to raise their status to "Master" and higher became the Race winners. This is a great achievement, which made the partners stronger and allowed them to receive cash remuneration credited to the main account and bonus investment shares as a reward.
The list of winners is available here -

The other partners who had participated in the Race but left the route also benefited: they gained useful experience and new tools for work. They saw what they needed to work on and where to go next.

We are confident that the Race participants have reached a qualitatively different level in partner business and will continue to score new heights.

To support the activity of partners and help them develop further, SOLARGROUP will make such activities regular. The next one starts in June. The beginner partners will participate in it. Follow the news, develop in the partner business and ensure your financial well-being. Your contribution to the development of the project "Duyunov's motors" is very important, because thanks to the work of our partners, thousands of people from all over the world know about the "Slavyanka" technology and invest in it.