"I have tested “Slavyanka” based motors!"

"I have tested “Slavyanka” based motors!"

Not every partner and investor of the project "Duyunov's motors" gets such a chance. And our guests from Vietnam were lucky. Andrey Lobov personally introduced them to the "Slavyanka" based vehicles.

As part of their visit to "Sovelmash", the Vietnamese delegation also visited Obninsk. It is called the first science city of Russia. Here our friends from Vietnam tested boats with "Slavyanka" based motors, snowmobiles and other vehicles. Some partners even navigated the boats themselves on the Protva River.

"I've tested the boat today. And I see that such products are in demand in Vietnam in tourist areas," one of the test drive participants said.

And after testing the motorcycles with "Slavyanka" based motors, everyone was surprised – our guests were amazed by how quiet the motors were. And now everyone wants Vietnam to have more charging stations specifically for these motors.

Vietnamese partners and investors of the project got answers to all their questions and were very satisfied with the test results. Anyway, see for yourself in our video.

There are lots of exciting things ahead! Andrey Lobov is looking forward to seeing project's friends and partners from Latin America and other countries. Stay tuned for further developments.