Partner Race: we give you overtime for your new records

Partner Race: we give you overtime for your new records

For the last three months, SOLARGROUP partners have been conquering new heights in business, setting records and receiving cash bonuses and stars - but not from the sky, but in the back office! This is how our Partner Race is going. We've decided to extend it until the end of stage 15, so that as many partners as possible could implement their full potential and achieve success in business.

Join today, use every hour! Why is it important?

The Race is a tool that allows you to make your partner business more efficient. It's a kind of a "carrot" that encourages you to overcome your laziness, lack of confidence and, in a relatively short time, achieve the results which you would need more time to achieve in other settings. The Partner Race benefits each participant and the entire project. Thanks to it, we are rapidly attracting the investments necessary for the construction of the "Sovelmash" D3333E.

You can level up your partner business with drive — and enjoy your own achievements.
You develop your partner structure, help your team members grow, and increase your income.
You increase your partner status and get a cash reward and special recognition from the company.

We remind you the Partner Race conditions.

Reach new statuses and get:
- $ 100 to the partner account and 5,000 investment shares for the "Master" status;
- $ 300 to the partner account and 20,000 investment shares for the "Expert" status.
- $ 500 to the partner account and 50,000 investment shares for the "Professional" status.

Help your first-level partner enhance the status and get:

- for the "Master" status — 1,000 investment shares,
- for the "Expert" status — 3,000 investment shares,
- for the "Professional" status — 8,000 investment shares.

The top ten participants of the Race who collect the biggest number of stars will get special corporate prizes!

Haven't started participating yet? Then take advantage of the extended Race time: in 2 or 3 weeks you can get a lot done if you stick to a smart plan. The strategy is as follows: work hard and smart. And be sure to engage the team of your partner structure!

1. Invite as many people as possible to the project every day. Use the "Gift to a Friend" option to encourage invitees to register in the back office. The option details are available here /news/posts/lyogkii-start-v-partnyorskom-biznese-priglasi-v-proekt-druga-i-poluci-100-investicionnyx-dolei-1725 .
2. Tell your customers about the partner business opportunities. One of the key rules of a successful partner is to work with your team.
Many investors and project participants would like to have additional income or earn money remotely, but do not know that it is possible in SOLARGROUP. Tell them about it, share your own achievements to make them believe in their own power. You can find useful recommendations here /news/posts/gonka-partnyorov-kak-govorit-s-klientom-o-vozmoznostyax-partnyorskogo-biznesa-1780 .
3. Duplicate your success. When you reach a certain status, share this experience with your partners. By following your path, they will not only succeed themselves, but also multiply your achievements. Your primary task in this direction will be the following: to motivate your first-level partners to get the "Specialist" status. When at least 6 customers invited by you personally become "Specialists" - you will rise to the "Master" status without any additional expenses with all the resulting bonuses (provided that the entire minimum possible amount of referral remunerations for this structure will be invested by you in the project). Then the same strategy continues in the next development rounds: to achieve the status of "Expert", you need to motivate at least three first-level partners to become "Masters". To get the "Professional" status, there must be at least three "Experts" at the first level of your structure.

Even if you are an absolute beginner in the partner business, you can definitely move up a few statuses in the remaining 2-3 weeks and collect your prizes in the Race! How do I do this? We wrote about this in detail here /news/posts/kak-novicku-partnyoru-stat-masterom-maksimalno-bystro-navigator-po-gonke-partnyorov-1737?f=1.

Already participating in the Race? You still have enough time to reach your goal and motivate your success.

1. Determine and fix your goal for the Race. What status do you want to achieve? Or what level do you want to increase your income to? When you know where you are going and why, working your way up is easier and more effective.
2. Find out what you are missing to achieve the goal. You can track your progress in the Race in the back office, the "For Partners" section, the "Customer Structure" subsection (or by following the link /user/ref ). The "Statistics" subsection contains detailed information about your structure, the amount of investments, etc. By analyzing it, you will understand exactly what steps you need to take. Who knows, maybe you are $ 100 short of personal investments" or one "Specialist" at the first level of your structure to achieve the "Master" status.
3. Develop a plan of action. To increase efficiency, activate your team, especially the first-level customers in the structure. Motivate investors to participate in the partner business, and partners - to increase their status.

So, the Partner Race finishes together with stage 15 in the project funding. And today is the key day for your personal victory! Because if you start acting immediately after reading this post, the results will not be long in coming. Until May 1, you still have time to go full speed, enter a new round of partner business and collect your prizes!