Yan Art, editor-in-chief of the YouTube channel Finversia, visiting "Sovelmash"

Yan Art, editor-in-chief of the YouTube channel Finversia, visiting "Sovelmash"

"Sovelmash: What's inside?" - This is the question posed by Yan Art, editor-in-chief of the popular YouTube channel Finversia. To find the answer, he visited the "Sovelmash" construction site with a film crew. There he spoke in person with Dmitriy Duyunov and Alexander Sudarev.

As a reminder, Alexander Sudarev appeared on Finversia in February. He introduced Yan Art and the channel's viewers to the project. The editor-in-chief expressed interest in the enterprise and promised to personally visit the site of the design and engineering technology department to confirm the information he had received.

The guest was given a guided tour of the D&E under construction, with a detailed presentation of the company's facilities and activities. In a very interesting face-to-face conversation, Dmitriy Duyunov explained to him what makes the building and the "Slavyanka" technology unique, and also answered the most frequently asked questions about the project.

Do you want to get a better understanding of the project "Duyunov's motors" or help the people you know with that?

Watch the video on the Finversia channel by following this link. And share it on social media.

The video is available in Russian, with automatic translation subtitles in different languages.