Dmitriy Duyunov: "The project can operate in different conditions of our volatile world."

Dmitriy Duyunov: "The project can operate in different conditions of our volatile world."

Dear participants of the project "Duyunov's motors"!
 We understand that many of you are concerned about the geopolitical events in the world right now. You are asking how they will affect the project.
 We can announce: the project is operating as usual. The construction of the "Sovelmash" engineering center is in progress, for example, the builders have already begun assembling the windows of the building. The back office functions properly, and payments are accepted.
 The "Sovelmash" specialists analyze and forecast the events, including the possible consequences of the sanctions. The team has been ahead of the curve on more than one occasion, for example, when it purchased the metal structures before the price spike or when it purchased most of the imported equipment. And this time, both "Sovelmash" and SOLARGROUP are doing what it takes to make the project a success. 
 SOLARGROUP is a company that operates under the international law and does not depend on the situation in any particular country, so your investments are perfectly safe. 
 This is what Dmitriy Duyunov said about the prospects for the project in times of crisis: "We can promptly maneuver in the current situation. All events come to an end sooner or later, and people want to eat at all times... The whole world needs what we do. The last few days have shown that there is a growing interest in the project among businesses." And he added: "The project brings people together. It does not cause discord. There is no politics here. There's technology, economics, and the good."
 The value of the "Slavyanka" technology has grown recently. This is due to the fact that the cost of producing BLDC motors has risen by 3 times as a result of rising prices for rare earth metals. Only our technology and only electric motors developed at the "Sovelmash" engineering center, which is under construction, can counteract this crisis in the industry.
 The best solution now is to stick together, to support the project. Under the conditions of volatile currencies and dramatic inflation, investing in the project will help you save and multiply your finances. Thanks to the professionalism of the project team and your support, we will continue to pursue the goal in any situation, as it has been done more than once!