"Sovelmash" D&E construction dynamics: engineering utilities

"Sovelmash" D&E construction dynamics: engineering utilities

On October 20, the builders began installing the external engineering utility networks.

The temporary "warehouse" is gradually being unloaded to conduct the external utilities. Next week, it will probably be possible to move the interior panels and other inventory and materials inside the building, where the concrete-cast "maps" have already gained their strength.

The ramp has been prepared for pouring concrete: the foundations were cast for the ramp unit, sand backfilling with layer-by-layer compaction and waterproofing were performed, additional formwork was installed and reinforcement was done.

The work inside the building is also in full swing.

• The builders are preparing to cast concrete in separate first-level floor "maps" and the site for the climate control equipment. A formwork for the site was installed and covered with sand, and the formation of the reinforcing frame began.
• In the office and amenity building of the D&E, mounting the building envelopes is about to begin, the frame for erecting the interior partitions is being installed.

Watch the latest video from the construction site by following the link.

The D&E is quite ready for the onset of cold weather: the temporary heating system is ready, the heating circuit is closed, and the floors are almost fully cast.

Now you have the opportunity to support the construction of the "Sovelmash" design and engineering technology department. The more funds are invested in the construction, the faster it will be completed. If you are an investor in the project, your significant contribution will be the early repayment of the installment plan for the investment package. If you are a partner, you can support the project by attracting investment in it in a more active way.