"Sovelmash" D&E construction dynamics

"Sovelmash" D&E construction dynamics

Dmitriy Duyunov explains how "Sovelmash" is preparing to obtain the certificate of construction completion and to launch production.

Watch the video for more details.

• The work on connecting permanent circuit electricity is almost completed and the last comments of the technical supervisor are being addressed.
• Very extensive work on the installation of the building's cooling system is nearing completion.
• The elevators are ready to be connected to the central control room of Zelenograd.
• The finishing touches are being added on the 1st floor of the office and amenity building.
• The foundations are being constructed for a noise shield to be installed on the border of the "Sovelmash" site and the gardening cooperative. The fence of the technopolis is being dismantled and a screen will be installed in its place.
• Landscaping of the area and other activities are underway.

The main focus is now on addressing the comments of the supervisory authorities, which has already been virtually completed. Besides, three extensive tasks need to be completed: erecting a noise shield, connecting the second water supply inlet and landscaping.

Completing all of these tasks require funding. The best way to support the construction is to repay installment plans early. Especially since up to and including May 31, there is a discount on payments of $ 100 or more for early repayment.

Take advantage of the beneficial conditions!