We are making gifts to the most active investors and partners!

We are making gifts to the most active investors and partners!

To do this, invest in the project from $ 50,000 at any stage of the project development. Those must be actual payments made in a lump sum or the total amount of all payments.

Or the first-line investors of your partner structure must invest a total amount of $ 50,000 or more while the "Thank You" offer is in effect, i.e. from July 17 to August 15 inclusive.

For this, SOLARGROUP will pay for your trip to Moscow from September 15 to September 17. The trip includes participation in the conference, a visit to the "Sovelmash" construction site and other events organised by the company.

The company covers:

• flights from your place to Moscow and back,
• transfer from the airport to the hotel,
• your stay in the hotel, meals and more.

The trip can be gifted to anyone if you can't go yourself.

We remind you that the SOLARGROUP conference will be held on September 16 in the special economic zone "Technopolis "Moscow" and will become the event of the year for investors and partners in the project. By participating in this event, you will learn comprehensive information about the implementation of the project, see the developments of "Sovelmash" and "Slavyanka" based vehicles. You will personally communicate with the company's representatives and other participants in the project. You will have a great time in the company of like-minded people!

Detailed information about the conference is available here.

A visit to the construction site will be a special bonus, which this year will be available only to a limited number of guests. And first and foremost to those who have made the biggest contribution to the funding of the project and the construction of the D&E.

Learn more about our offer from Pavel Filippov in the video.