What has been accomplished and what lies ahead

What has been accomplished and what lies ahead

The "Thank You" offer helped to attract a record-high monthly amount of investment in the project. The funds have been allocated for the construction of the "Sovelmash" design and engineering technology department.

In the new video, Deputy General Director for PR at "Sovelmash" Alexander Sudarev explains what work has been done at the construction site recently and what is still to be done.
And Head of Advertising and Public Relations at SOLARGROUP Pavel Filippov explains the reasons for extending the offer.

Watch the video to keep up to date with the development of the project.

Details of the "Thank You" offer

We remind you that the offer has been extended up to and including September 15. More than 2/3 of the $ 4,000,000 target has been attracted so far. If the remaining funds are collected sooner, the offer will end sooner.

Hurry up to participate in the offer to invest at a higher profit, accelerate the D&E construction and bring the date of dividend payout closer!