What is crowdinvesting and why is the project "Duyunov's motors" funded using this method?

What is crowdinvesting and why is the project "Duyunov's motors" funded using this method?

We are often asked why we have chosen such an unconventional in Russia way of implementing a project as crowdfunding. Why not a major investor, governmental support or bank loan? There is a number of reasons for that.

Crowdinvesting is quite a new phenomenon for Russia. In Western countries, it appeared in the beginning of the 21st century and is now rapidly gaining momentum on the world investment market not only among small-scale investors, but major players too. This practice of funding projects appeared in the USA. It stems from crowdfunding, charitable fund raising when people around the globe donate money to a socially useful project (animal shelter, purifying a lake, supporting young creative talents and suchlike).

Distinguish between these two notions! The difference of crowdinvesting is investing with the purpose of increasing the invested capital.
Startup founders and investors enter into agreements. After implementing a project, investors get either the interest from the invested amount or part of corporate income.

The technology for people.
The technology should be developed in Russia and available for every citizen of our country - this condition has been made by the team of "Slavyanka" developers headed by Dmitriy Alexandrovich Duyunov.Major investment companies at the early stages of project development, as a rule, demand a controlling interest to eliminate risks. Thus, an investor basically becomes a company's owner. Dmitriy Duyunov rejected this scenario to have the opportunity to run the project.

Substantial startup capital for implementing the project.
Major investors and funds are not ready to invest such amounts in a startup at an idea stage. That's why the funds are raised from a large amount of micro investors.

Low barrier of entry for participating in the project.
The income level of most people is not high enough to consider making big investments. Crowdfunding allows people even with moderate income level to participate in projects.

Risks and potential.
Crowdfunding means venture investments, i.e. investing into high-risk projects that have big development potential and, consequently, great opportunities for generating income. As a rule, these are startups launching or developing innovative technologies that will benefit mankind on a global scale. Experienced micro investors, as a rule, try to invest into several startups simultaneously in order to reduce risks.

Interest of the participants.
A person who has invested in a project becomes personally interested in its success and feels involved in pursuing a big common goal. It's profitable for investors to purchase the product made within the project and to recommend it to their acquaintances. In its turn, this encourages investors to choose useful, high-quality and truly necessary projects. Excellent self-regulation mechanism!

Crowdinvesting startups are a pillar of society's economy and development in general. They create new job opportunities, improve the ecology and quality of life, launch new technologies and catalyze social activity. This investment practice is becoming more and more popular in the world market year after year.

The project "Duyunov's motors" is an example of successful implementation of crowdfunding. It solidifies trust of the investors to the company SOLARGROUP and lays the groundwork for our further crowd startups.
Contributing to developing crowdinvesting projects, we are launching the 21st-century business: innovative, cosmopolitan and socially useful.