What do I do not to earn a profit? | Partner Work Methodology

What do I do not to earn a profit? | Partner Work Methodology

In the SOLARGROUP partner business, it is almost impossible not to earn a profit. But if you try really hard, you can make mistakes that will slow down the results.

Things that a partner can do to avoid earning a profit on the first try:

• Sell some motors
SOLARGROUP does not sell motors. The company's main product is investment shares in a business. Partners can only sell this product. The partner's task is to offer the customer to make a minimal investment, become a co-owner of the future enterprise and gain profit from its revenue-generating activities. It's just something to remember.

• Have a vague plan
Partner business can bring you unlimited income. But that sounds too vague. For example, we have a talented partner, Pavel. He started from scratch, but he had a goal: to earn $ 10,000 in a year. He calculated that he needed to earn about $ 31 a day to reach his goal. And he identified the actions that would earn him that amount every day. Soon Pavel will have his $ 10,000. Just make a plan and be like Pavel.

• Ignore the checklist
The company has a checklist of partner actions. It contains all the partner business actions, links and tips to perform the action successfully. And it also helps you make your personal plan and determine what level of income will suit you. Just use the checklist in your daily work and you'll reap the benefits.

Sometimes partners make mistakes, it's okay. But you can avoid this and reap the rewards faster if you read "Partner Work Methodology".