7 and one more reason to be at the SOLARGROUP conference

7 and one more reason to be at the SOLARGROUP conference

To be read only by those who are still in doubt: to be or not to be at the SOLARGROUP International Conference on August 6.

This is an opportunity for you in the same place at the same time... 

1. To see how the "Sovelmash" design and engineering technology department is being built. The conference will be held in the congress center of the special economic zone "Technopolis "Moscow", within a walking distance from the "Sovelmash" construction site. 

2. To get answers to your questions about the project from the top officials. Project leader Dmitriy Duyunov and General Director of SOLARGROUP Sergey Semyonov are expected to participate. SOLARGROUP's top managers Pavel Shadskiy and Pavel Filippov, the representative of "Sovelmash" Alexander Sudarev will take part in the conference as speakers. As well as the head of ASPP Weihai Victor Arestov, the representative of "STIIN" Andrey Lobov and the national partner of SOLARGROUP in Russia Aleksandr Manzhula.

3. To see and test the "Slavyanka" based vehicles. Vehicles with motors modernized by applying the combined winding technology, which you've only seen in photos and videos before, will be on display in the showroom.

4. To communicate with investors, partners and like-minded people. The conference will bring together 350 participants from different countries. Everyone is as interested in the project implementation as you are. It is much more interesting and productive to discuss the project development and share the experience of partner activity in person. 

5. To learn the latest project news. The speakers will talk about how the project implementation, the D&E construction and and the promotion of the "Slavyanka" technology around the world are progressing. You will also learn about the new developments of "Sovelmash", work results and plans of SOLARGROUP.

6. To see the companies' documents. You will familiarize yourself with the "Sovelmash" patents, motor test reports and other SOLARGROUP and "Sovelmash" documents.

7. To feel the atmosphere of a big event. A similar conference was last held in Moscow in the autumn of 2019. Its participants left with a lot of impressions: they received interesting information about the project, visited the D&E construction site, and took the vehicles for a ride. And then they shared their impressions with the new project investors and partners. 

8. And one more reason: as a conference participant, you will receive a promo code for a 5% discount when purchasing a new investment package. 

Conclusion: every investor in the project "Duyunov's motors" should attend the conference. But only 350 people will be able to get there.

Registration for the event is in full swing! There are about 100 spots left.

Hurry up and register by following the link